About Gateway Music Group

... our goal is to make your event into a Celebration with Christian Artists or Speakers

... we're big enough to bring you National Talent,
but we're not so big that we've forgotten what personal service is all about!

... your source for creative Gospel music

We would like to thank you for considering the services of Gateway Music Group as the source for all of your future entertainment and event planning needs as well as your Gospel Music Artist and Speakers.

Gateway Music Group is a full-service booking agency, Booking America's Favorite Artists and Speakers. We supply Churches, Corporations, Companies, Organizations, Civic Clubs, and Fairs and Festivals throughout the United States with quality ministry through song and motivational speeches.

We offer our clients from a single act (soloists, groups, bands etc.) to a complete, customized package. Be it a National Convention to a small intimate party, we're able to meet all of your needs and stay within your budget.


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Copyright 2005 Gateway Music Group
Website Maintenenace by: Gateway Music Group
Website Design by: SSE Design Group